You may cancel your order and request a refund according to Shopee or Lazada policies. 

If any refund is required, we will transfer the fund according to Shopee and Lazada’s terms and conditions.

We will not be held responsible and we are not liable for any loss, damage or expense incurred to your parcel once the parcel is shipped out. However, feel free to contact us at to work out a solution if any shipment issues occur.

There is strictly no refund or return of products once the order is delivered and accepted.

Allnice reserves the right to refund the customer when one/more products is/are out of stock after payment. Our team will be in touch with you for a refund procedure or option to exchange for other products of equivalent or lower price.

In any case of refunds or returns, Allpure Sdn. Bhd. will at its sole discretion decide whether to accept the refunds or returns based on the consumer code of rights.

We reserve the right to make amendments to this policy at any time without prior notice.